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Individual Sessions

INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS: A Powerful Catalyst for Your Healing and Personal Growth

The only thing etched in stone for healing to occur is complete & unconditional self acceptance.
Coly offers a complimentary session to discuss what you'd like to transform in your life and how this work can support that transformation.

Individual sessions are the most direct and effective way to explore the totality of who you are and connect with your most authentic self. Expanding your self awareness improves your relationships, your health, and your sense of well being. The work done in individual sessions is subtle, powerful, and is also self empowering, so as you practice using the tools you become stronger, more capable, and more able to experience a wider range of accomplishment and conscious choice in your personal and professional life.

Some clients prefer to dive in with an intensive tightly spaced group of sessions, while others prefer regular sessions on a bi-monthly or monthly basis. Coly can be reached at 303.476.8402 and will explore ideas about how sessions can be personalized to meet your needs and goals.

"The outcome of our work together is to help you bring peace to your inner conflicts and reveal the beauty and strength that is already alive within you. I help you do this by using the following steps:" ~ Coly Vulpiani

• Creating a Safe Space
• Understanding the Cause of Conflict
• Embracing Opposites
• Practicing Peace

Click here for more information


Complimentary Consultations / Via Zoom

A complimentary consultation gives you the time and space to discuss the issues and concerns you would like to address and an opportunity to experience how I would approach those issues and concerns. 

Em: coly@parallelrealitiespractice.com 
Call: 303-476-8402


One on One Sessions:                                                                       
The most direct and efficient way to address your issues and concerns.

Cost: One 1 hr. session $150
         A five session package of 1 hr. sessions: $675  

“Within the scope of 5 sessions, Coly was of great assistance in helping me to identify several major connections in my healing process that I had been missing for years even though I had done extensive work in this area. Even beyond that, he helped me in an extremely gentle, compassionate, and intuitive manner as if he knew exactly what I needed next. He listened, focused, tuned in to my situation and needs and spoke to me from that "listening.”  I also learned Of all the spiritual/healing work I've done (and that is quite a lot over 25+years) these 5 sessions have been some of the most impacting and deep for me!”  Sue B.

Psycho-Spiritual Integration:“The Way of Mastery” and Voice Dialogue  Psychospiritual Integration is the process of using both psychological and spiritual practices for our healing to occur. The synthesis of Voice Dialogue with the spiritual teachings and practices found in “The Way of Mastery” continues to profoundly transform my life, and the lives of those I have the honor to share this work with.

Cost: 1 hr. Session $150


35 Minute Laser Focused Tune-up  Session
Laser Focused Tune-up Sessions help sustain the momentum you’ve built when you begin to move away from meeting weekly or every other week. Focusing on a specific issue is especially helpful if you’re doing well, but you need to process through unexpected situations that arise

Cost: 35 Min Session $75


CONFLICT RESOLUTIONA New Approach to The World's Oldest Problem

As human beings we all know the discomfort of living with internal and external conflicts and the accompanying desire for their resolution.  Since the beginning of inhabiting this planet humans have been seeking peace because we have been, and are still, living with internal and external conflicts and haven’t found a way to resolve them.  However, we need to identify the source of conflicts before we can bring peace to them. 

The overwhelming acceptance and popularity of the movie “Inside Out” seems to have brought to the surface the longing society has had for the perspective that we all have “voices in our heads,” no matter what age, economic or political stature, gender, race, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.  This helps nurture our connection to each other by bringing awareness to how we are alike rather than focusing on our differences, which is a step in the right direction.  However, these voices function independently, having their own agendas and beliefs about what they want us to do, and many times they are not in on the same page.     

Internal Conflicts arise when there is some form of friction or disagreement arising within the group of voices in our head when the beliefs of one or more its members are either resisted or unacceptable to one or more of the other members. It is common to experience this inner tug of war when it’s time to make decisions in our life. The disagreement among our inner voices is the source of internal conflict, which in turn gets projected out into the world and gives rise to the external conflicts that often involve violence, interpersonal discord, and psychological and emotional tension.  In other words our internal conflicts are echoed in our external conflicts and our conflicts as well as our peace come from the "Inside Out."  

The New Approach
“Nothing in our lives can be lifted up, conquered, or healed by moving away from it.  Avoiding our inner conflicts and the pain they cause perpetuates our suffering.”   

Although our natural tendency is to move away from what makes us uncomfortable it does not make the discomfort go away.  The idea that avoiding conflict is the answer to their resolution is the belief that allows conflicts to persist. Moving away from or avoiding them can make us feel weak and powerless.  Making the conscious choice to move toward them is the act of courage that allows us to find our strength.     

The new approach to conflict resolution requires a shift in consciousness.   We need to focus on resolving our internal conflicts rather than putting our attention on the external ones, because they are essentially a projection of what is going on inside of us.  As Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same consciousness we used to create them.”   Therefore, we need to develop an aspect of our divine consciousness that is willing to embrace what our human consciousness has rejected.     

What if in only one hour a week for five weeks you could begin to learn how to resolve internal and external conflicts and return to a place of inner peace? 

To learn more please call me at 303-476-8402 or click the link below:


REIKI VOICES: Reiki and Voice Dialogue - A 3 hour Private Individual Session

Experience an energy session followed by a Voice Dialogue session. Give voice to the subtle, unconscious energies and messages revealed during your energy session, and allow these healing energies to be "birthed" into your consciousness. During this time, you will work closely with Coly and co-facilitator, JoAnne Palladino, while experiencing the combined depth of these two powerful, yet gentle, conscious healing approaches. You will walk away with a deeper “knowing” of who you are, which will enable you to live a fuller life. Allow at least 3 hours and be aware that this experience may last up to 3½ hours. If possible, please give yourself some “alone time” following the session.

Co-Facilitator: JoAnne Palladino / www.joannepalladino.com

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